Today is Veteran’s Day – a day we take a minute to remember all those that fight for our country and the freedoms we take for granted every day.  I have to be honest, other than a great uncle who was an army doctor, I’ve never had anyone close in my life in the military.   And even my uncle was in the army when I was a child.  Times have changed.  I now have someone very important to me in the military.  My son-in-law is a navy pilot and my daughter, Jillian, has joined the ranks as a military spouse.

It’s amazing how your feelings about things change when they’re close to home.  Now when I hear stories about our military and their heroic efforts, I have a better appreciation of the sacrifices our men and women in uniform and their families make every day on behalf of our country and our freedoms .

So, with a much greater appreciation and a very grateful heart, thank you, Uncle Lou for your years of service and thank you LT. Christian Schaible and thank you to all the men and women in all branches of service for the freedom I have today.
